Our Firm

Nordstrom and Associates, P.C. began serving clients in Flagstaff in 1975 when Bruce Nordstrom joined Bart Thompson to form the partnership Thompson and Nordstrom, CPA’s.  Both Bart and Bruce had previously been with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co. (now KPMG, LLP) in Minneapolis, MN.  In May 1988 Bart retired and the firm was operated as Nordstrom & Associates, CPA’s, a sole proprietorship.  In January 1999 the firm was incorporated and had as its shareholders Bruce Nordstrom, Marj McClanahan, Godfrey Loper, and Tim Hansen.  In 2016, the firm added Rebecca Cordasco, Tim Anderson, and Jennifer Nordstrom as shareholders.  In addition Nordstrom & Associates, P.C. currently has six other professional and support staff.

Commitment to Community Involvement
Our extensive commitment to the Flagstaff community is evidenced by the active involvement of all members of the firm.  Organizations in which members of the firm have been involved include: Arizona Community Foundation, Boys and Girls Club of Flagstaff, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boy Scouts of America, Diocesan Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Flagstaff Community Foundation, The Flagstaff Institute, Flagstaff Shelter Services, Flagstaff Pine Country Rodeo, Friends of Coconino County Parks, The Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce, The Guidance Center, Junior Achievement of Arizona, Malpais Kiwanis Club, Museum of Northern Arizona, NAU Athletic Association Board, NAU Skyjacks Booster Club, Northland Family Help Center, and Salvation Army.

Both Bruce Nordstrom and Marjorie McClanahan have been honored by the Arizona Society of CPA’s as annual Public Service Award recipients.  Marjorie was also honored as Flagstaff’s Citizen of the Year in 2003.  Bruce was honored in 2010 with a Doctorate of Humane Letters from Northern Arizona University.

Credentials and Professional Memberships
Our firm is devoted to quality, and we have taken extra steps to assure that we meet the highest professional standards.  Every three years our quality controls are examined by specially trained CPA’s from other firms in accordance with the Peer Review program required by the AICPA.  Results of these reviews are available to the public.  We are pleased that we received an unqualified report on our most recent review, meaning that our firm adheres to the most rigorous standards of our profession for CPA firms.  Additionally, we ensure that we meet all required continuing professional education requirements necessary to provide the best service possible to our clients.

The firm and its staff are professional members in the following organizations:
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants